It has been proven since 2010 that ‘correctly’ fitted JK Jiggers and JK Keepers can reduce the below costs to Zero. Correct fitting and maintenance will ensure that your mine can achieve these results as well. Simply fill out the flowing questions to see how much your mine could be saving.
After blasting in underground mines sometimes the handles on power and control boxes are blown off or the main control fuses inside are dislodged. This creates increased costs to the mine and risks safety each and every time.
Have you ever worked out the true cost of broken handles/fuse dislodgments in your underground power and control boxes?
- What is the replacement handle cost? $___________?
- What is the cost of using your tradespeople on replacing a handle, when you could be using them in a more productive way? One or two hours? $___________?
- What is the cost of using your tradespeople to do something as simple as push in a couple of fuses, a job that could be unnecessary, when you could be using them in a more productive way? Another one or two hours? $___________?
- Now calculate the cost of down time of the Drilling Rigs waiting for the tradesperson to drive down the decline to repair the broken handle or push the fuses back into their bases before the operator can plug in to the power box as per Mining Procedures and Safety Regulations. Another hour or so? $___________?
How many handles do you replace ever year?
How many hours downtime?
How many man hours are spent on unnecessary breakages or replacements?
Plus risking personnel safety, possible OH&S and insurance issues following accidental electrocution?
The total cost can all add up to many thousands of dollars!
Eagle Alternatives has a couple of solutions that can save many of those costs, and keep your workers in a safer working environment. The JK Jigger and JK Keeper are cost saving innovations that pay for themselves the first time they are subjected to unforgiving blasts and then go on working, often unnoticed, helping maintain budget targets and personnel safety with minimal cost saving changes?